One does not visit a king just any old way. One must be invited and must follow the rules of the king's court. Likewise, God, the King of Kings, invites us to enter His presence and tells us how we should conduct ourselves before Him. Psalm 100 tells us three instructions on how to enter God's presence.
First, we must enter God's presence in the right manner. Psalm 100 tells us that we should enter God's presence with joyful shouting, singing, thanksgiving and praise. This is not a somber occasion. It is a boisterous celebration of God's goodness.
Second, we must enter God's presence with the right mindset. Psalm 100 instructs us to enter God's presence with the knowledge that the Lord is our God and our Creator. Also, the psalm instructs us to enter His presence with the knowledge that He owns us. God does not work for us. We work for Him.
Third, we must enter God's presence with the right motives. Psalm 100 tells us that we should worship God because He is good and forever merciful. Also, the psalm tells us we should worship God because His truth is eternal. God is worthy of our worship because of who he is and what He has done.
Just as one must be invited to appear before a king, we must come before God by invitation. He invites us to come before Him through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Then He rose from the dead. We must believe this, and be willing to turn from our sins and follow Jesus to be saved. Then and only then do we have an invitation to enter God's presence.
When we enter God's presence in the right manner and with the right mindset and motives, our worship becomes more than a routine. It becomes an appearance before the throne of God.